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A3C Alumni Interview: Cortez

Posted by Jake Mayo on May 27

Hip-Hop’s competitive nature is most prevalent in the art of battling. Being a cornerstone of the culture’s origin, the essence surrounding the ferocity behind going head-to-head with an opponent is an element that has not only transcended time, but also expanded and evolved more so now than ever. As rap leagues like Smack/URL (among others) continue to grow and make significant impact, so does the exposure of the battlers within these leagues. Last year A3C was proud to host it’s first ever battle at Quad, creating not only a milestone for the festival, but for the sold out Smack/URL event as well. We caught up with heavyweight Brooklyn battler and event headliner Cortez to discuss beef, artistry outside of battling, and the exposure/significance that a platform like A3C has on the increased popularity of battle culture.


Jake Mayo

Written by Jake Mayo

Topics: interview, News, url, Alumni Music & News, Interviews, A3C Alum, smack tv, rap battle

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