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My A3C: Ryshon Jones (Interview)

Posted by Lauren Lo on Jul 28

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Next up on our list of A3C alumni for this weeks My A3C is 6'4 Philadelphia emcee and rising young artist Ryshon Jones. While you may have seen him in his recent interview with XXL and making his rounds in Toronto at NXNE last month, we had the chance to see what his thoughts are when it comes to being a part of A3C Festival and how it has helped him in his career. Check it out!

Last time we saw you was in October, how have you been and what has life been like since the festival?

I've been great and life has been great also. Just working on things to give to the world.

How many years have you been attending A3C?

2 years

What stage(s) were you on at A3C and how did it come about?

The first year I performed I was at Star Bar and it was great. I got to meet some of my fans there. This past year I was at Star Bar again but the show got cancelled.

Did you have fans at A3C this past year?

Yup, I met them while roaming around the festival and in the Meliá.

What is the vibe in Atlanta to like compared to your hometown Philadelphia?

Atlanta is very slow and chill it seems, I didn't explore the city much but it's a good place. Some parts I saw reminded me of Philadelphia.

What is the difference between shows up north compared to the shows down south?

To be honest I don't really attend many shows to see the difference.

Where have you traveled outside of Philly this past year for shows?

I've been to VA, Toronto, NY and of course Atlanta. It's always cool to be able to perform outside of my hometown and I can't wait to tour soon.

How did it feel when you landed a Interview with XXL and what was the feedback?

It was great because I have been in there before, but this was my first full feature. It was something to show my mom and the feedback was great. Everyone was proud of it.

What are you currently working on and what can we expect from Ryshon Jones for the rest of 2014?

I am working on something right now called "You're Safe Now" and an album "Track Fifteen". I don't like to say what to expect, but I can say I'm very excited about it.

Will you be attendting A3C this year for our 10th anniversary in October?

Of course. I wouldn't miss it!

What is your advice for someone attending A3C for the first time this year?

If you're going as a fan of music, attend as many shows as you can and if you're an upcoming artist don't be afraid to tell them. If you're attending as an artist I'd say just be in all the places you feel that you need to be.

What would you say sets A3C apart from other festivals?

It brings together the Hip-Hop community and has good vibes and good people that are all just trying to get out and make connections.

What does an event like A3C mean to an artist like yourself?

It's good to be apart of something like this because years ago I just wanted a chance to perform here.

“Lauren Lo is the Head Of Interviews for A3C, Co-CEO of We The Plugs and Blog Director for HustleGRL”
Follow her on Twitter @LaurenLo_WTP

Lauren Lo

Written by Lauren Lo

Topics: My A3C, News, A3C News & Updates, Alumni Music & News, Interviews, Ryshon Jones, A3C Update

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