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A3C Sponsor Highlight: Xfinity

Posted by Andy Pitre on Oct 4

If you live in Atlanta and you were watching 106 & Park today you may have noticed the A3C ad below playing during the commercial break. If you did, you were probably wondering to yourself, how the heck did these guys get enough loot to advertise on 106 & Park? The answer is: We don't have the money, but we have an incredible sponsor by the name of Xfinity.

The is the second year in a row that Xfinity has stepped forward to support the A3C (although last year they went by the name of Comcast). At the end of the day, it sponsors like Xfinity that make the A3C possible. This year, we are feature over 200 artists over a three day period and we're offering a $33 ticket price - $25 if you bought early (We've all paid more for a one-night show).

Why do we do it? Because we're big fans and we really want people to come out an enjoy themselves. If it wasn't for sponsors like Xfinity, we'd probably have to charge $100 like other big festivals do... and that would stink.

Thank you Xfinity.

Andy Pitre

Written by Andy Pitre

Topics: a3c, News, 2010

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