Summer has long been the time when footwear enthusiasts are able to pull out all the stops and showcase their best gear. The warm weather, long days and countless outdoor activities complement the style and grace sneakers perfectly. Although Nike has been a longstanding dominator of urban sneaker culture, a number of new and familiar sneaker brands have begun to make a larger name for themselves, proving that they can compete with the footwear juggernaut through their unique designs and innovation. The shoe game is more diverse than ever, featuring colorways, designs, and styles we never before imagined.
Check out our top five sneaker releases for the month of June.
5. Adidas Alphabounce
Photo courtesy of Sneaker News
The Alphabounce should be at the top of the list for runners and sneakerheads alike. With a sleek design and angular cut, the Alphabounce blends the function and formality of an efficient running shoe with the style and flavor of a casual sneaker. Staying true to the “boost” heel that’s become increasingly present on Adidas sneakers, this shoe has the support and cushion that every jogger needs, and the swag that every streetwear enthusiast craves.
The Alphabounce was released June 15th with a retail value of $100
4. DQM Vans Sk8 Hi LX
Photo courtesy of Sneaker News
Vans never disappoints when it comes to the Sk8 Hi. Arguably the most iconic shoe from Vans’ collection, the Sk8 Hi has recently been redesigned by DQM New York to feature a basketball themed look. With long, detachable straps and a canvas composition, these sneakers could pass as both a basketball shoe and a skater favorite. The show stays true to the tradition Sk8 Hi design with a thick gum sole and nylon laces, but truly deviates with a strap that highly favors Air Forces 1s.
The DQM Sk8 Hi will be available for purchase on June 18th, but the retail price is currently unknown.
3. Ronnie Fieg/Colette/Puma Disc Blaze
Photo courtesy of KicksonFire
This is a three-way collaboration that blends the styles of a number of unique designs. The shoe is anchored primarily by the structure of the Puma Disc Blaze and the Puma Blaze of Glory, which can easily be identified by the lack of shoelaces, block sole and trinomic coloration. Ronnie Fieg’s really did a number on this one, blending the designs of both Pumas with Colette’s distinct blue coloration on the shoe’s front. Customers also receive custom packaging and leather footbeds with their purchase.
This collaboration was released on June 15th on and is priced at $160.
2. Packer Shoes/Reebok Ventilator Supreme
Photo courtesy of Sneaker News
Packer Shoes is a sneaker boutique known for its innovation and groundbreaking conceptual shoe designs. Always looking to push the envelope, the Reebok Ventilator Supreme is the last of four sneakers designed Packer Shoes in honor of its “Four Seasons” project. Based on the color scheme, this shoe is an obvious ode to the bright hues and playful energy of the summertime. Perfect for both light outdoor activities and casual wear, the Ventilator Supreme is sure to turn heads wherever you go.
The Reebok Ventilator Supreme will be released on June 17th, priced at $120.
1.Bait/Dreamworks/Diadora N9000 “Shrek”Image courtesy of Sneaker Bar Detroit
This collaboration is directly inspired by a partnership between BAIT clothing, Diadora shoes and the Dreamworks classic movie, Shrek. Although this isn't the first creation of the collaborative series, it is certainly the most stylish. The design features Italian feathered canvas with suede trimming and olive coloration. The color scheme mimics the color of both Shrek’s skin and wardrobe, continuing BAIT’s habit of designing shoes inspired my eclectic pop culture influences. The shoe’s laces also come with a number of color options, and the shoe itself is presented in limited edition packaging.
The collaborative shoe will be available at BAIT retail stores on June 18th, well as online through an Internet raffle.