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ARTlanta Curator Tyree Smith gives us the Rundown on What to Expect at 'Artista 3'

Ashley Vance
Posted by Ashley Vance on Sep 28


Tyree Smith and The ARTlanta staff is bringing 3 days of 3 totally different Art shows to A3C this year, putting 30+ visual artists from Atlanta and all over the United States all under one creative roof. 

Being A3C's first official Art venue means a lot to Tyree as the gallery's founder. "A3C has been such a huge thing in ATL for the past 12 years," he said. "The festival has always been only focused on Hip Hop, so any opportunity to give exposure to visual artists in the city is major for me. This is a big deal for us!" 

This is ARTlanta's 3rd Artista event, and the the previous two have set the bar quite high. To get the full run-down own the event and the ARTlanta movement, check out interview with our favorite musician turned art curator: 

Q: What significance does art have within pop-culture? 

Smith: Underground has become the new Mainstream. And Art, a lot of art, especially the Art that I deal with represents the underground in it's purest form. I feel like pop culture isn't the same anymore as it was in the 80's, 90's, and the early 2000's. Pop culture was the underground and the underground is what's popular now. What's more underground than Art? Especially underexposed Art. It's like underground hip-hop music. Art is our last real free form of expression.

Q: Who can we look forward to meeting at Artlanta? / Who's work is being displayed?

Smith: You can look forward to meeting to some of Atlanta & Americas best established and up & coming visual artists. with the soundtrack provided by some of Atlantas best DJs. We'll have artists that are on tv mingling with artists that hardly leave the house. 

Man. There's too many artists to name! We have artists that do fine art to sculptures , and even photography.

Q: How has Artlanta dedicated time and effort to promoting the work of underrepresented artists? 

Smith: We're a developmental gallery in the sense we help provide space for visual Artist to not only come do work at and grow as an Artist, but also grow as individuals. We curate at least 2 Art shows per month that involve under exposed Artists and their works. we also have the resident artist program we just started, where we give artists a space to come create in a great environment no matter the time of day. Whether it's 12pm or 3am, Artists know they can come here and create and develop. Frank B is our first resident Artist of what I'm sure will be many to come.

Also by Making sure every event that happens in Artlanta Gallery, no matter if I put it together or not,has Art involved in it as the focal point in some way shape or form. Our interns are also pretty great at pushing visual artists via social media and through community engagement. We're good at speaking for those who don't want to speak. Most Artists would rather let their work speak for them,WE speak for the Artist. 

Q: Why have you chosen to dedicate your life's work to enriching culture in your community? 

Smith: Realization.  I realized a change was needed. The things I was doing prior were cool, but I needed to add more substance to what I was doing. Realizing I had so many eyes on me to help guide them and push the culture I helped create. Just rapping on a stage wasn't going to be enough.

I knew visual Art was the best way to get done what I wanted done. I could be rapping for years and not get the point across one painting does. Like they say, "a pictures worth a thousand words". I also realized there was a renaissance happening in this city that needed leaders. And, sh*t, I like being a leader! 

Who can argue with that logic? To learn even more about what Artlanta has in store for A3C, visit their website and purchase your ticket!

Ashley Vance

Written by Ashley Vance

Vance is A3C's Editor-in-Chief. Working as an Atlanta-based content guru, she dedicates her free time to helping artists build lasting brands.

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