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Cleveland Rapper Ezzy talks "Sway In The Morning" Freestyle Experience and Long-Term Goals

Tyler Mason
Posted by Tyler Mason on Oct 2


18-year-old Cleveland rapper Ezzy is one of the many Ohio artists breaking into the music industry this year. Known for his impressive penmanship, as well as his immeasurable work ethic, Ezzy has slowly been building his notoriety in the states. In addition to over 600,000 views on his YouTube channel, Ezzy has been in several cyphers with artists like Casey veggies, and Vince Staples. Visit Ezzy’s SoundCloud to keep track of his recent releases. If dope tracks aren’t enough to win you over, what about co-signs from major MC’s like Stalley and Kendrick Lamar? It’s safe to say that Ezzy will be here for a while, so let’s get use to it.

What is you story? Tell us about your initial interests into this industry?

It’s been about eight years in the making now. It all started when my cousin had her Sweet 16 party back when I was 11. Since I couldn’t afford to get her a gift, my mom suggested a write my cousin a poem instead. After my performance, so many people there told me how great they thought it was. That was the moment when I knew that I didn’t want this to just be a hobby.

How did it feel being on Sway in the Morning?

It felt great. Immediately after I spit the freestyle, people called in and said they loved it. Even after 6 months of releasing the freestyle, new listeners are still hitting me up about it. 

What are some of your most amazing moments that remind you of how far you’ve come?

The Sway in the Morning freestyle definitely. Also, receiving emotional emails from fans that strongly believe in the music. I’ve also performed and opened up for Drake. However, without the Sway interview I doubt that I’d be at the point I’m at now.

Any specific artist that you admire in the music game?

I definitely admire J.Cole’s music. But honestly my preferences can change from Chief Keef to Kendrick Lamar. So it all just depends.

What made you want to stay independent?

I still feel like there is a lot of work that I am capable of doing on my own. Don’t know if I ever will stay independent forever, but for now it’s working ya’ know?

Is there any artist out there that you love to work with?

I mostly make music with all my homies. This includes friends like Tommy Missus, producer Jerry Wonder, my friend jimmy, and Charles. Outside of that, I really like working with my bro Stalley. He’s like a brother/mentor.

What do you expect from A3C this year?                                                                                                

I really don’t expect much of anything. A lot of good things tend to always happen. Like just last year I did a documentary on A3C, and it just aired on PBS. So there are a lot of things that I don’t expect, however, I know it will be great.  Also, last year I only came to A3C to do interviews with artist. This is my first year actually performing.

When did you start seeing a jump in your progression?

It was once I got on the radio in Ohio, as well as performing. However, I didn’t see a real jump until Sway in the Morning.  My views started at around 4,000, and then slowly reached to 15,000. After Sway, it reached over 20,000, and this is through a six-year process.

What are some of your long-term goals?

The main goal is to be a good provider. I want to be able to provide opportunities for others I believe in. Give people jobs. I believe in putting people in positions to fend for themselves.

A word to your fans?

Thank you, and thank you for the support to come! Also, keep spreading the music for me guys. Lastly, I want to say that fan appreciation is something that I feel artist should focus more on. So again, thank you.

Tyler Mason

Written by Tyler Mason

T. Mason is a Content Producer for A3C, as well as an entrepreneur with a passion in fashion and music.

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