Growing up in the upper most sections of Manhattan, I had the tremendous fortune to witness first hand the guerilla warfare tactics of local cats like DIA and FURN who were part of MSK (Manhattan Subway Kings). Because of MSK's notoriety at the time, I became a lot more open/interested in the visual frequencies of aerosol communications - enter COPE2.
As opposed to the way adults always talked about it, graffiti to me wasn't anything out of the norm. It was just how citizens decorated, embellished, and beautified the city. And few others beautified it as fiercely as COPE2. Although I never personally met the man, his work resonated and spoke to me in a way that to this day, no other artform can. Burners, Top-to-Bottoms, Throw-Ups - you name it, he killed it.

On days when I need a change of pace from the mundane. Perhaps it may be a little gloomy outside. Or even when everything feels right in my life and I just want some 'frosting', I'll go and check COPE2.
Here's hoping it'll do the same for you.