A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

"If it's Dope, I Can Rock With It..." - TruthUniversal Interview w/ Wm40A

Written by The Blog Team | Sep 28

This thing we call Hip-Hop leaves no region untouched and because of that, Wm40A was able to get a hold of TruthUniversal for a special interview. Listen as Truth talks about what separates New Orleans music from other areas around the US. He also explains why he wants to be considered progressive instead of conscious. Before we rap up the interview, he explains why and how he chooses his beats and gives us his take on Treme.

Listen: [audio:http://www.a3cfestival.com/wp-content/uploads/A3CTruthUniversalFinal.mp3|titles=A3CTruthUniversalFinal]