A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

What You Missed From The Music Business and Law Panel

Written by Rashad Milligan | Oct 9

It's time to learn now, there's a session on business and law fundamentals of music. The suite is so packed people are standing aroundthe entire room and believe the seats are full.

 "Make sure you know what you need to ownand own it," the first speaker said.


B-Being a brand. Brand is a lifestyle, be authentic. Kanye always had a brand, a vision. Connecting with people.

O-Optimizing your options. Own your own mic. Invest in yourself.

S-Stay strong. The game will tear you up. How many people have lost their life so soon? Living a lifestyle of no sleep, popping this and that. Health is essential. Tiffany Campbell  "artist wellness" teaches artist how to breathe better. Has an app called "Temple Yoga and Wellness Center" with an A3C discount. [Audience member] "You need to know your blood type." [back to speaker, health basics] diet, exercise and rest. He has an entire album devoted to fitness.

S-Support system. You can't do anything by yourself. Teamwork make the dream work. "Give, till they can't live without you," Russell Simmons said.

S-Seasonal Strategy. Everything has a season. Your career happens in the same season. You'll Spring, have a summer, a winter and will fall off.

This is all about empowerment. Instantrecordlabel.com

Never be too big to humble yourself. Sometime you have to help set up/tear down venue you're performing at. Don't be afraid to invest in your brother or sister.

The room has emptied enough to get a seat.


Samples: don't pay unnecessary bills, be original. You have to pay label and publisher to get sample cleared.

Split sheet should have an administration clause.

How do you stay strong? : I go on this website called morning routines. I read, meditate. Orginize his own schedule.

Good books?

Body: "Tao o jkd" By: Bruce Lee

Mind: "Tao Te Ching" [book of change]

Soul: "kmt" By: Raw un nofa [?]

Side note: this guy is very deep.

Merchandising: merchandising is a big deal...another reason to let your brand be a lifestyle, because having a brand won't limit your merchandise.

A guy who was in the "ATL" Movie just asked a question about what if you want to change your brand? : be yourself for a long career."

Session ends with applause. Great learning.