A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Ryshon Jones (Exclusive Interview)

Written by Lauren Lo | Sep 5

Who is Ryshon Jones?

I'm a hip-hop artist out of Philadelphia who's out to work hard for my name to be mentioned amongst the greats and to touch people and help them follow their dreams.

When did you figure out that you could rap and turn this into A full blown career?

I've been rapping since I was 8. I was very horrible back then. I think at age 15 is when I really said this is what I'm gonna do with my life.

You come from Philly which seems to produce a lot of talent. Do you think being brought up in that area inspires a certain type of artistic drive?

I think it does a bit. Philly is the home of people who go for what they want without any question.

You make very personal music. How do you decide if something is too personal to go in a song or not?

Really it's a no holds barred thing when it comes to music, because it's music and expression.

What do you look for in a beat, and who are your favorite producers to work with?

I look for whatever catches my ear. These days I work with Rollin Mills, El Blanco Nino and Paul Maxwell.

What is your favorite project to date?

That's hard. I honestly don't think I can answer. I think I haven't really made it yet.

You interact with your fan base a lot and you seem to be pretty active online. What does the internet mean to you and your career?

The internet made a lot of things possible for me and a lot of artist today. Twitter is a powerful tool and a dangerous one at that. At the end of the day though the internet is awesome and the freedom is awesome.

What does a festival like A3C mean for an artist like yourself who is so in touch with his fans?

It's dope to get to perform outside of my hometown and vibe with people down in Atlanta. I met a lot of fans last year and I hope to do the same this year.

Do you have a team behind Ryshon Jones or do you do everything on your own?

It's a lot of both, but shouts to Jairo, Johnny, Obese, RyGuy, Homebass and Last Rights!

Take us through a normal day with Ryshon Jones. What are we doing?

Right now we probably would be in the studio going through tons of emails of instrumentals. We would stop over at Lisa's Deli in Flemington, NJ then head back to the studio to work on songs for "Track Fifteen" because that's whats important right now.

If we checked, who is currently on your playlist that most wouldn't think would be in there?

I don't really think there is an artist on my playlist people wouldn't expect. I think it's more so a lot of beats that I have that people wouldn't expect me to use.

Say we came to Philly and went to the grocery store to put one meal together to cook, what are we eating?

I'd say don't go grocery shopping. You're better off heading uptown and eating at place called Victoria's Kitchen.

If you we're only aloud one pair of kicks for the rest of your life. What are you rocking?

Hands down, Chuck Taylor's!

What are you currently working on and what can we expect next?

My next project is called "Track Fifteen". Stay tuned for that.

Where can everyone find you online?

RyshonJones.com and @RyshonJones on twitter