A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Meet A3C Performing Artist @KiddWes [A3C Interview]

Written by Queen Bobbi | Jul 29

Meet Detroit native and current Miami resident Kidd Wes. As he readies a "head pounding, thought provoking" A3C performance, find out something about Kidd Wes that no one knows and what he would be doing if not for music.

Tell us one thing about you that no one knows
I’m the biggest fan of Kenny Chesney, (really) most people only see me around hip hop/rap, but I'm very diverse. Oh, and I’m copping the new album. [Laughs].

Without music, what would be your career choice?
Probably a lawyer. My father is an attorney, and I love to debate. I guess I have a bad habit of wanting to be right.

Why do you think it's important for artists, Hip Hop artists specifically, to take advantage of an opportunity like A3C?
Well first and foremost, A3C is one of the premiere showcase/venues where the upcoming artist can shine and get hands on experience from experts in the game. (Real ones) And secondly, there’s too much and too many you'd want to see not to go.

What should the fans expect from your A3C performance this year?
A head pounding, thought provoking, refreshing taste of hip hop.

Describe the sound of your upcoming project Young World
It's album of relativity and pure fun, something I believe everyone can take from.

When this is over, how will your legacy read?
The greatest to ever do it. Move over Jay Z. Just kidding
