A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Meet A3C Perfoming Artist @MoneTheJedi [A3C Interview]

Written by Queen Bobbi | Jul 31

Mone The Jedi will be taking over the A3C festival this year but before he does, get to know some things about the Jamaican/Syrian MC that you may not have known.

Tell me one thing about you that no one knows?
All my tattoos are hand drawn by me!

Without music, what would be your career choice?
Architecture most likely. Art is like my second love, and I do it in basically every form. Draw, paint, sculpting, crafting etc.

Why do you think it's important for artists, Hip Hop artists specifically, to take advantage of an opportunity like A3C?
Any artist who is serious about their music should take on every opportunity advantage, or any extra edge to make a difference in hip hop’s competitive industry. A3C being one of the top Credible outlet for hip hop artists today.

What should the fans expect from your A3C performance this year?
New found positive energy, quality memorable music, all out great performance.

Any future projects we can look forward to from you?
Always Veggie Backpack should be released within 2 months. Working on a solid project geared to really voice the sound and lyrics of "Mone the Jedi". As well as a few new singles witch will be released within weeks.

When this is over, how will your legacy read?
Prominent Memorable Philadelphia native hip hop artist whom flourished but stayed humble.

Twitter: @MoneTheJedi