A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Get a 10% Discount from Audible Treats - The A3C's Marketing Agency

Written by Andy Pitre | Oct 4

Every year, we at the A3C work extremely hard to get the word out about the festival. With so much happening over the course of a single weekend, it's actually a rather difficult message to communicate.

This year, we reached out to Audible Treats to help us with with that battle and they've done an outstanding job.

Keeping A3C artists in mind, we've worked out a special deal with Audible Treats to get A3C performers a 10% discount on digital marketing and PR services.

The folks at Audible Treats are experts in security coverage in top media outlets, and have helped artis debut albums in the iTunes top 10.

If you'd like to learn more about claiming your discount, please contact Gavin@audibletreats.com.