A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

E Reece - The Re: Introduction Mixtape

Written by LuisReyes | Jun 30

In preparation for the July 27th release of Concrete Steppin, Hip Nott Records' E Reece would like to reintroduce you to his previous work in the form of, The Re: Introduction Mixtape.

Concrete Steppin is the upcoming album from L.A.-based, Maryland-raised emcee E Reece. At a time where when there seems to be a lot of glitz, glamour, and negativity in hip hop, Concrete Steppin reaches out to us with a positive, organic vibe to feed your mind, body and soul.

“Once they’ve heard my music or seen my live show, I want people to believe in the power of positive music and to know that real hip hop isn’t dead.” -- E Reece

Click here for the mixtape.