A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Documentary: A Day In The Life of @LyricLee_LAD - Directed by @RICKDANGE

Written by Quinelle | Jul 6

Camden, NJ artist Lyric Lee takes HHS1987 through a day in his life. While in Camden he takes us to his old barbershop that he owned but left behind to pursue rap full time. He also takes us to his current barbershop and then to the projects in Camden. After getting love & support from his fellow friends in the projects he takes us to his online radio station. From the radio station we head to Philly to swing by Batcave Studios and then to Mike Jerz studio, where he records all of his music. Not too many artists can go back to their own hood, let alone get love & support from their hood, Lyric Lee can. Camden, NJ stand up!!! - Brandon Wyche

D/L + STREAM WORDPLAY via Datpiff.com