A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Alex Wiley - Village Party

Written by Dacota G | Jun 15

Alex Wiley is one of the most creative and cutting edge artists of our generation (there I said it). His style is not to be boxed as he fuses many different genres into this one artistically sonic master piece, that will leave you in complete "awwww" . I'm not going to front and say I was on to Wiley's music out the gate, (because that would be a lie) but I did catch his set last October as he rocked our Chicago Hope stage and was thoroughly impressed. Imagine hearing this for the first time and hearing it first hand via live performance.

It was a baffling experience, but none the less that night I went back to my hotel room and downloaded everything I could from this "mysterious" talent. Since A3C, Alex has been galvanizing the globe capitalizing on his momentum by hitting fans off with several visual experiences as well as brand new music. Not to mention he has been on pretty much every major publication you can possibly think of from Revolt to XXL. Via popular demand, Alex recently released his sophomore effort, which is jam packed with 14 all original tracks including what could potentially be the intro to his next project (Village Party 2). Stand out records include ALL OF THEM! Yes, they all stand out. Alex Wiley is one of the most versatile artists I've ever heard, trying to predict what you're going to hear from him is impossible. You might listen to a song like "See The Day" and as soon as you start feeling that groove he hits you off with a jittery up tempo song like "Ideas(Adderal)." One of my favorite songs off the project is "Forever" featuring fellow Chicagoan Mick Jenkins. Overall I really enjoyed "Village Party" and will be anxiously awaiting the sequel. Check out the album in it's entirety below and be sure to follow Alex Wiley on twitter https://twitter.com