A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog


Written by Prima Sanders | Oct 8


Los Raka's are continuing to bring the noise, with the A3C a few days away, the hip-hop Panamanian duo is featured in this month's edition of SPIN MAGAZINE. The interview discusses the new music "Hablemos Del Amor" and gives you a deeper insite to the music minds of Raka Dun and Raka Rich, and the Reggaeton and Dancehall influence. Los Raka's who will be headlining the PLANET HIP HOP stage at A3c will definitely please hip hop heads alike with their witty lyrics, addictive beats, and Panamanian influence.


For a direct link to the interview click here: Spin Mag Interview (Los Rakas)

For all LOS RAKAS information visit: Official Los Rakas Site