A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Thank You Jakprints

Written by Andy Pitre | Oct 16

We want to personally give a special thanks to our partner Jakprints who helped us create damn near everything you saw before and during the A3C. They produced our guidebook, posters, flyers, stickers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, slip mats, banners, signing cards, signage, and even more. Maybe more importantly they took the time to understand who we are and what we do at A3C and become a part of it fully. From our front stage sponsorship, to their tag wall, to their involvement in bringing the J. Dilla Foundation to A3C this year through their partnership with the foundation at every turn they proved to be more than just a sponsor but a partner in the truest sense of the word.

Each day when we arrived on site the Japrints team was only minutes behind us soaking in the A3C experience. These are really amazing people, who create really high quality, ecologically friendly print and gear. Their support of A3C was instrumental in our ability to put the face on our event that we wanted to and I can hardly say thank you enough to them. We were distributing A3C stickers though out the weekend with the promotional code A3C84HPFEST on them which provides buyers with a $25 discount on orders of $150 or more. I can’t recommend Jakprints enough and your patronizing them is another way of supporting us here at A3C.

