A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Take 5 w/ Kris Kasanova

Written by Jake Mayo | Aug 6

A3C’s 2014 lineup so far is living up to the hype and expectation that only this festival can deliver. As the date grows closer, we launch our Take 5 segment, giving quick insight to the first wave of artists performing this year in Atlanta. Kicking off the segment is Brooklyn MC Kris Kasanova whose wordplay and visuals are garnering him a significant buzz from the Big Apple. We caught up with Kris to quickly discuss his style, projects, and which NBA team he’s rocking’ with from his hometown. It’s Kris…with a K.

A3C: Your musical style in 5 words or less.

KK: “Aggressive, Honest, Relatable, Passionate and Hood.”

A3C: Biggest musical influence?

KK: “Biggest influence has to be Jay-Z. I think every artist from NY is influenced by him.”

A3C: Knick Or Nets?

KK: “Knicks!”

A3C: "24K," "War Paint," "The Long Way Home." Best Project and Why?

KK:War Paint” was my best project. It was the most personal project I've done and gave people a great outlook on me as a person, not just as an artist

A3C: Main goal at A3C this year?

KK: “Same goal every year! Gain as many fans as possible and have as much fun as I legally can.”

Follow On Twitter @KrisKasanova


