A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

PR In The World Of Social Media

Written by Civonne Ray | Oct 5

The journey of an aspiring artist and those who manage them can be a constant up and down hill battle. However, in today’s digital age PR and social media are Hip-Hop essential tools to help establish your personality, elevate your brand, and grow your fanbase. PR isn’t just press and coverage, but allows you to hone in on what your image is as an artist, create great relations and learn how to properly represent yourself.

Today we sat with Lynn K Hobson, President of the LKH Group, Wendy Day, Founder of Rap Coalition, Donna Torrence, President of Mediasavvy PR, Dove Clark, Founder of Tigereye Entertainment and Saptosa Foster, Managing Partner of 135th Street Agency.  These PR professionals know what it takes to create visibility to get in front of your target demographic.  

Three major ways they suggested maximizing your social media presence are by diving into hashtags, having creative video content and engaging with your fans especially.  When it comes to managing artists, they don’t expect an artist to be perfect, but have some consistency, a clean slate and something that they can build on to elevate their brand to the next level. “I don’t need a polished rock, but I like a clean rock.” Dove Clark stated. 

They also say strategizing and preparation is key. Always being prepared with an electronic press kit or a website makes it extremely easy for press to know all the important information about you and your craft. Same way you plan out touring ad your music, you should have a 6 month rollout planned to map out your social media posts.