A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Networking 101: After It’s All Said and Done

Written by Sierra Brown | Aug 12

A3C’s August Edition of the Social Club is among us, so you know we've got to hit you with a few networking tips. If you've never been to one of our monthy mixers, they're free opportunites for creatives and hip-hop lovers to mingle, drink a cocktail (or five) and debate whether Kendrick Lamar is the greatest rapper alive or of all time.

If you have been, you know it’s always a great time! You went last month, and after hours of smiling, shaking hands and passing your phone around for new numbers and IG usernames, you’ve genuinely hit it off with a couple of cool people. Now what?

“Networking” at the event is only half the battle, so don’t drop the ball after you're back at home. Here are a few tips on what to do after meeting really dope people. 


And don’t wait too long on that, either. You’re not being annoying; you simply want them to remember you when you send that email or make that call. The best chance of them remembering you is while you’re still fresh on their mind. Thank them for the conversation, mentioning something they said that genuinely impacted you. Depending on what you talked about in person will determine the rest of the email, but you get the point. Follow. Up. 

No response ≠ no interest. 

So you sent the follow-up email, or made the follow-up call and you didn’t get a response. Before you start giving up on your hopes and dreams, calm down. People are busy. You’re busy, right? Give it several days before reaching out again. At the same time, steer clear from being a bug-a-boo.

Maintain the relationship. 

The response email finally showed up in your inbox, or that out-of-town number popped up on your caller ID. Once the dialogue gets going, keep in touch. Again, steer clear from being a bug-a-boo, but pop up every so often to check in. 

Pay it forward. 

This is in line with maintaining the relationship. A part of that is paying it forward. If you come across an opportunity you can’t do, this is when your Rolodex of contacts come in handy. Pass it along to that person you met who’s awesome at it.

Be genuine! 

Don’t force anything (that goes for everything in life). If the connection is there, you’ll feel it. And if you don’t, it’s not the end of the world. Still be a good person. Still be you, and you’ll be fine.


Get fresh, pop out and expand your network. RSVP for the next social clube here.