A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

Maui Max Has the Chill Vibes You Seek at A3C

Written by Johnell Gipson | Oct 3

While A3C Festival & Conference has a myriad of established artists coming to our stages next week, there are a plethora of up and coming artists that are excited to make their mark. One of those artists is “Maui Max”, a hometown Hip-Hop hopeful. Max is young, but has accomplished a lot in a short period of time.

Born Robert Williams in Newark, New Jersey, Maui Max is a 22 year old rapper, that is now based out of Atlanta, GA. Max wasn’t initially an artist, and at the age of 16 he was deeply embroiled in his passion for sports. While he participated in athletics he realized that he was also drawn-in by the music he was listening to at the time, eventually beginning to secretly write his own rhymes. A few more years passed before he truly began to develop a sound, but Max knew that he wanted to be an artist.

By 2014, Max decided to put out his first project, titled “Always Open”, on Bandcamp, where the tape gained a local buzz. He described the the sound of the project as having a “car music” vibe, meaning very chill with thought-provoking lyrics and a “4/20 friendly” energy. By 2015, Maui would go on to release part two of his “Always Open” series, which generally had the same energy as the previous work. His growth as an artist did not go unnoticed. Maui decided to capitalize on the momentum he was building and released a new single every Monday for 5 weeks straight, a marketing concept titled “Maui Mondays”.

In 2016, Maui has teamed with management agency Schweinbeck LLC and label Royal Reign Records, expanding his catalogue and performing in various locations of Atlanta on a weekly basis. Max even took his talents to SXSW this past March, and has since developed a reputation for providing high energy performances. Max is currently promoting his brand new single, “Still”, as well as the visual for “December 20th”, which premiered on Trill HD and was placed on WorldstarHipHop.com. Now, with his name spreading through and beyond Atlanta, Maui intends to continue pushing the culture forward and bring a modern-feel as he takes his sound worldwide.