A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

10 Things We Look For In A3C Stage Managers

Written by Lauren Martinez | Aug 19

Each year A3C puts on the biggest celebration of hip hop on the planet, celebrating music from all over the globe. One integral part to pulling off the festival each year is the amazing staff. If you are looking to do more than just stand in the crowd at this year’s A3C festival & conference, check out this list and see if you have what it takes to be a stage manager.

Organization - During the festival there will be a million things going on at once. You will be responsible for making sure all of the artists know there set times and set lengths. There will be no time to search through a massive pile of emails to find the important info you need.

Social Skills - You will be dealing with artists, curators and production staff. This position is definitely not for those who have a problem opening their mouth when they need something.

Patience - Do you work well under pressure? Things are going to go wrong during the course of the week. We need someone that can keep a cool head through adversity.

Resourcefulness -  It’s the middle of a festival day. You have a burning question and the only person that you know can handle it is disposed. What do you do? Joining the A3C staff means you will have to be good at finding the answers you need by any means necessary.

Enthusiasm - Showing up and actually acting like you want to be a part of the festival will make every person you come encounter with enjoy their experience just a little bit more.

Professionalism - We get it. You’ve been stalking Redman religiously on twitter for the better part of a year. Please don’t go into full groupie mood when he casually walks by you.

Love of the Culture - This one should be pretty obvious. If you don’t love hip hop, why are you even reading this?!

Good Energy - Nobody likes a Debbie Downer. You’re going to be tired. You’re going to be frustrated. Are you a person that others enjoy working with under those conditions?

Event Management Experience - The stage manager position is not for the faint of heart. A little bit of experience goes a long way.

Time - So your bowling team has that huge tournament coming up at the end of the month? Well be prepared to miss some practices. Every member of the A3C team makes sacrifices to make the festival the best it can be. Freeing up time will be one of the most important sacrifices you have to make.