A3C Hip Hop Festival Blog

A3C 2015 Artist: Richmond R&B Artist Ramsey Delivers Prelude To His Debut EP "A Million Thank Yous"

Written by Tai Saint-Louis | Sep 4

As Richmond, VA-based R&B newcomer Ramsey gets ready to properly introduce his music to the world on the new EP "A Million Thank Yous," he liberates a new freestyle soundtracked by New Zealand's own -Ze3- Beatz.

Check out the new joint and get to know Ramsey below.

Where are you from?
Richmond, VA

How has your city and influenced your music?
Honestly, just being around the multitude of eclectic people and different cultures inspires me on the daily. From the lady pushing her stroller down Broad St., to the young couple eating lunch at the bodega, to the crackheads arguing with each other on the corner. All of these scenarios are real life, day to day, and relateable scenarios which compel me to write the music I do.

What song, video or project are you most proud of to date?
"Memories" was my first r&b record, which I released earlier this year. It was the first time I really was open about who I was and how I was feeling internally. So it was awesome to vent and express how I felt, honestly, with no care about how someone else may feel about it. and to see the response I got from the listeners was beyond what I expected..

What do you enjoy about bout being a hip-hop artist?
The feeling or ability to connect with millions,even billions, of people across the world. Identifying with their needs, wants and insecurities without even meeting them. Its kind of magical to be able to affect a persons mood, by something I may have experienced and could potentially help them thru my situations.

What can people expect from you over the next 6 months?
Honestly, man, I'm just focused on making the best overall product possible. People can expect my debut EP 'A Million ThankYous' to be available for purchase and stream pretty soon. Other than that just promoting peace and positive energy as well as the project.

What advice would you give to yourself a few years ago?
Simple: 'You Don't Need Nobody' to be successful. When everyone else loses faith and bails on you its up to you to believe in yourself and lift yourself back up. Also another simple thing which doesn't seem to be as simple, these days, is to: "Be Yourself."

What do you most look forward to about A3C Festival & Conference?
Getting my music to listeners who may not be familiar, and expanding me as a brand and artist. Also, along with networking with industry insiders and curators. And of the course the women!